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World's Strongest Robotic Hand Can Gracefully Play the Piano with Its Human-like Fingers
February 24, 2020

With enough strength to handle objects three times its own weight, the robotic hand below is touted as the “world’s strongest” by its makers. However, it’s not all about strength, as this robotic hand is gentle and dexterous enough to gracefully play a piano, serve a glass of water and even hold eggs.

British Biotech Firm Releases GM Moths to Help Curb Crop Damage
February 29, 2020

Scientists have created a genetically modified (GM) male diamondback moth in an attempt to dramatically curb the billions of pounds worth of damage it wreaks every year on crops.

Top Tech Job Hunting Tips for 2020
January 28, 2020

January is a popular month for job seekers, as individuals use the start of the New Year to look at their current career paths and contemplate whether they want to change them.

Introducing Wahu: The Adaptive Sole for your Shoes
January 28, 2020

From smart watches to fitness trackers to smart glasses and more, wearable tech has firmly established itself as a significant part of our lives. But how far will it all go? How about some ‘smart’ adaptive soles for your shoes!? Here’s Wahu…

MarsCat: The Interactive Robotic Pet for Feline Fans
December 30, 2019

It’s more than 20 years since Sony’s Aibo robotic dog was released (yes, it was really that long ago!) and a recent reboot of the lovable ‘pet’ proved that interactive companions are still popular. But what if you’re more of a cat person?

From Tiny David to Impressive Building: Is There Anything 3D Printing Can't Do?
December 24, 2019

Are there any limits to what can and cannot be made using a 3D printer? Apparently not when you consider the two amazing creations we’re about to tell you about.

New App from Cambridge Firm Set to End Queuing at the Bar
December 18, 2019

Christmas is literally just around the corner and for many that will mean patronising a busy bar or two for Festive works drinks. An inevitable part of this annual ritual is queuing up and sometimes walking away with the wrong order.

Epidermal VR: The touchy feely Virtual Reality tech
November 30, 2019

Virtual Reality (VR) technology immerses a user inside a computer-generated experience, allowing them to see, hear and interact with amazing 3D worlds. But the extent to which people have been able to physically feel those worlds has, until now, been pretty limited.

Unocup: The foldable paper cup that doesn't need a plastic lid
December 2, 2019

Plastic is a super convenient material, there’s no denying that, which is why we’ve come to rely on it to make everything from containers to drinking straws and mobile phones to vacuum cleaners. But our (over) reliance on plastic isn’t without environmental costs.

Smart contact lenses: We've seen the future (and it's awesome)
November 26, 2019

Contact lenses are nothing new. In fact, people have been wearing them for hundreds of years to help correct their vision. These small, thin discs of transparent material are usually custom-shaped and carefully formed to ensure they perfectly fit a person’s cornea.

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